
Latest Version License: Unlicense Documentation

This is a Sphinx extension that adds a directive code-tabs that creates a navbar above several alternative code blocks, allowing the user to switch between them.

This can be used to e.g. show a snippet in multiple languages, display instructions for alternative platforms, or (in the future) switch between source and output.


pip install sphinx_code_tabs

To enable the extension in sphinx, simply add the package name in your conf.py to the list of extensions:

extensions = [


By enabling the extension you get access to the code-tabs directive that declares a notebook of code block alternatives which looks as follows:

  • bash
  • C/C++
  • python
echo "Hello, World!"

The individual tabs must be created with the code-tab directive which derives from code-block and accepts all of its arguments.

For example, this is the source of above example:

.. code-tabs::

    .. code-tab:: bash
        :title: bash

        echo "Hello, World!"

    .. code-tab:: c
        :title: C/C++
        :emphasize-lines: 2

        #include <stdio.h>
        int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); }

    .. code-tab:: python
        :title: python

        print("Hello, world!")